Thursday, March 3, 2011

To the uninspired

Dear You,

You're young. Make a fool of yourself, meet as many people as you can, fuck up, stay up late, dance topless on the beach, make mistakes, write down your thoughts, travel to new places by yourself, sing at the top of your lungs through the streets, push yourself to the limits, sweat, do whatever it takes to feel -- feel something real, dance. Once you've had this feeling of real you must grab it. Hold on to it so tight that it's eyes pop out of it's little head as it begs you to squeeze it harder. When something feels real, it must be special because all of this is unreal.

Don't take yourself so seriously. Don't take life so seriously. Stop listening to the voice in your head that says you can't do anything -- that voice is bullshit and it's only there to test you. Win that battle, get up and just BREATHE.

You have the power to create great things, work on them and watch them grow for the rest of your life. Do you understand how lucky you are? One day you will wake up and you will be old -- a privileged that many people don't have but you will still be uninspired to take on the grand adventure that is life. Take advantage of your youth and your freedom, go explore.

Let's dance -->

Just another day.

On just another 'average' day in 2005 man named Danny Way jumped over the Great Wall of China in 2005 on his skateboard...

Now ask yourself, 'What can I do today?'